Saturday 14 January 2012


Hmm, do I admit this or not? Yep, it's BB or to be more accurate it's Celebrity BB.Love it, never miss it and have watched every series since the start.
As much as I love Brian Dowling, I do miss Davina on Ch4 & really miss BBLB with Dermot (doesn't everyone though!) Anyway, here it is my guilty pleasure and day 14.


  1. Oh I love Dermot! Used to watch BB and CBB but I don't know who hardly any of them are now!

  2. I never got into the habit, mainly because I don't always have access to UK TV!

  3. I love CBB aswell- I don't watch BB anymore- but find myself glued to the celebrity one. Have to tape it and watch it when dh is out- because he doesn't share my guilty pleasure.

  4. Love Dermot, haven't watched in a long while but used to be glued to it.
