Saturday 14 January 2012


All combined


Hmm, do I admit this or not? Yep, it's BB or to be more accurate it's Celebrity BB.Love it, never miss it and have watched every series since the start.
As much as I love Brian Dowling, I do miss Davina on Ch4 & really miss BBLB with Dermot (doesn't everyone though!) Anyway, here it is my guilty pleasure and day 14.


Not a lot,need to go shopping. However mainly healthy options at the moment. So good for us (me!)


Yes I cheated, couldn't think what to do so moved things around and used my water photo instead. I did have some beautiful sparkly translucent webs, taken during the snow & ice last year but I cannot find them on my laptop anywhere. So have used this instead-


Ok, I know it's not an item of clothing but it is something I wear & have worn for the last 32 years/35 years (well give or take a few when they didn't fit or I was pregnant) I never take them off, except for the above & have had them both made quite a few sizes larger. Anyway, I cant think of anything else I own that has lasted so long!! They are off course my wedding & engagement rings.


We were bought this for our silver wedding anniversary, I love it. Even though it is a bit top heavy and not very stable. I love the fact it isn't shiny but more of a dull metal.


Day 9 of our 365+1 challenge. Apart from a tap running or glass of water I couldn't think what else to do. So I did the usual glass of water. Woke up Saturday to a thick frost (first one of the year) and the water butt frozen. So
as I was completely stuck on photographing another word I juggled things around. And here we are- water frozen in the water butt!! Although it doesn't really look frozen